At the same time of our attendance at APPP Shanghai 2017, our 2nd version of platform was launched!! A bolder better platform to serve the ad & sign industry masses!
Bolder in design, better in functions - we have added “Forum” columns for you to keep yourself up-to-date. The new V2.0 also provides the particular segment of the industry that you are in, for product recommendations and hot items sales!
We are constantly improving the platform for you, and went on a bug hunt and cleared the way to make everything run smoother. We also added some flexibility by including a sample request function, better mobile responsiveness, improvements for speed and reliability. Forum pages are now available on the platform for your voice to be heard. Learn what the real world out there is looking for, in this ad & sign industry. If you love the continuous changes and updates we have been making, please consider taking a few minutes to review our website and post a note here at our SCRATCH pad below!
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